Friday, March 14, 2025

India’s first Data Center Infrastructure Management Course to launch on 15th August

New Delhi, India – July 13, 2023- TeeCube,the collaborative business management solution for infrastructure management,is launching a groundbreaking course on Data Center Infrastructure Management(DCIM), the first of its kind in India. The course is keenly designed to equip studentsand professionals with valuable skills and specialized knowledge that give them acompetitive advantage in the rapidly expanding industry, enabling them to manage andoptimize data center infrastructure effectively. TeeCube’s DCIM tool holds the 6thposition in theworld on Gartner’s Peer Insight, showcasing its established legacy in theindustry.

This course would supplement different data center job domains, including businesssupport, business strategy, design, construction, operations engineering, IT hardware,network and connectivity, controls, and monitoring, including operations.

The requirement for qualified people who can manage and optimize data center infrastructure has been incessantly rising due to the growing demand for datacenters andtheir crucial role in the efficient operation of enterprises. On the other hand, in thecurrent period of recession, where thousands of IT professionals are losing their jobs ona mass scale, the need for a stable job with specialized skills is on the brink. As a result,TeeCube Business Solutions has developed a comprehensive training program thatcovers every aspect of DCIM, from planning and designing to installing and effectivelymanaging data center infrastructure. The DCIM program will not only provide skills butalso ensure stability for job seekers due to its persistent high demand and usage in the IT industry.

TeeCube business solutions, with a track record of delivering high-quality infrastructuremanagement expertise, is well-positioned to deliver a world-class DCIM course thatmeets the needs of professionals and students in India. The course is designed forprofessionals and students looking forward to bolstering their skills in infrastructuremanagement, especially in understanding internal management at large and critical datacenters. This course encapsulates a well-defined curriculum curated by industry expertswith the “real look and feel” of a live data center and how it is managed. Aftercompleting this 45-day course, students will have a better understanding of how datacenters are designed and operated and how IT administrators can plan, configure, andmanage their data center environment efficiently and securely.The course ends with a professional certification, along with an in-house placement fortop performers.

The founder and CTO of TeeCube Business Solutions, Teevra Bose, commented:

“We have designed the course to provide a comprehensive understanding of data centerinfrastructure management, with a focus on practical skills and hands-on experience. Weare confident that our course will help professionals excel in their roles and contributeto the growth of the data center industry in India.”

With more than 25 years of experience in the industry, Mr. Bose has persistentlypioneered new concepts in the infrastructure management space, paving the way for newopportunities in the IT sector. According to the following reports, It can be inferred thatthe demand for DCIM employees is on the rise-

Uptime Institute: Global data center staffing forecast 2021-2025: Global data centerstaff requirements are forecasted to grow from about 2.0 million full-time employeeequivalents in 2019 to nearly 2.3 million in 2025.
New staff will be needed across all geographic regions. Most demand will be in the AsiaPacific region, followed by North America and the Europe, Middle East and Africaregions.

Technavio Market Report: The data center market size is projected to reach a value of USD 615.96 billionfrom2021 to 2026.The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for the data center market is estimated to be21.98%.

Zion Market Research: The Global Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) Market generated earningsof approximately USD 9.1 billion in 2021. It is projected to reach a revenue of aboutUSD 24.7 billion by 2028.The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for the DCIM market is expected to bearound 15.2% from 2022 to 2028.

The DCIM course ends with a professional certification and a paid internship for the topthree students absorbed in the company.Due to the high number of applications and the limited seats available, the course willbegin on August 15.For more information about the DCIM course and other training programs offered byTeeCube Business Solutions, please visit the website

About TeeCube Business Solutions

TeeCube is a system integration and academic organization that strives to create smartinfrastructure solutions and impart the highest level of practical knowledge in theinfrastructure management space. TeeCube DCIM tool holds the 6th position in the world on Gartner’s Peer Insight,showcasing our established legacy in the industry.


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