Sunday, February 9, 2025

Unveiling Talent, Changing Minds. Revolutionizing Child Counseling: DIVINE POWER – CHILD COUNSELING

The realm of child counseling has witnessed a signifcant transformation, thanks in part to the innovative approaches of Dr. Shrikant Joshi and Dr. Sushma Joshi. Their work, recently recognized by the Iconic Book of Records and Prime Time Research Media, underscores a pioneering methodology in parent-child counseling that focuses on exploring inborn talent, altering thought processes, and resolving deep-seated issues. This article delves into their unique approach, the impact it has had on families, and the broader implications for the feld of child psychology.

Unveiling Inborn Talent

At the heart of the Joshis’ approach is the belief that every child is born with unique talents and potential. However, these innate abilities often remain underexplored due to conventional educational and parenting practices. Dr. Shrikant and Dr. Sushma Joshi have dedicated their careers to uncovering these hidden talents in children. Their method involves a series of personalized assessments and interactive sessions that not only identify these talents but also foster an environment where these abilities can fourish.

Transforming Thought Processes

Another cornerstone of their method is the emphasis on changing the way children think. Traditional counseling methods often focus on addressing specifc issues or behaviors. In contrast, the Joshis’ strategy is to cultivate a mindset in children that is both positive and resilient. Through innovative counseling sessions, children learn to approach problems with a solution-oriented mindset. This shift not only helps in resolving current issues but also equips children with the tools to face future challenges more efectively.

Result-Oriented Counseling

The ultimate goal of any counseling session is to bring about a positive change, and the Joshis’ approach is no diferent. However, what sets them apart is their commitment to measurable results. By integrating feedback loops into their counseling process, they ensure that the strategies implemented are working efectively. Parents and children are actively involved in evaluating progress, ensuring that the counseling remains focused and result-oriented.

The Impact on Families

The impact of Dr. Shrikant and Dr. Sushma Joshi’s counseling methods on families has been profound. Many parents report a signifcant improvement in their relationship with their children. The focus on exploring inborn talent has not only helped children in their academic and personal lives but has also brought families closer.

Parents now have a deeper understanding of their child’s unique abilities and how to nurture them. The change in thought processes has led to a more harmonious family environment, with children feeling more understood and supported.

Broader Implications for Child Psychology

The work of Dr. Shrikant and Dr. Sushma Joshi represents a signifcant shift in the feld of child psychology. By focusing on the strengths of a child rather than just addressing weaknesses, they have highlighted the importance of a positive approach to child development. Their success serves as a model for other practitioners in the feld, suggesting that a focus on inborn talents and a positive mindset can lead to more efective and lasting results in child counseling.

DIVINE POWER: CHILD COUNSELING is pioneer in providing overall growth of child in all spheres of life.



The innovative approach of Dr. Shrikant Joshi and Dr. Sushma Joshi to child counseling has set a new benchmark in the feld. Their focus on uncovering inborn talents, changing thought processes, and achieving measurable results has not only transformed the lives of many families but also has signifcant implications for the future of child psychology. As their methods continue to gain recognition, they ofer a promising direction for practitioners and families seeking to support the holistic development of children.

DIVINE POWER: THE LIFE COACH & HEALTHCARE WITHOUT MEDICINE is front runner in HOLISTIC THERAPY and has derived their own DIVINE POWER HOLISTIC THERAPY through scientific evidence and vast experience, benefiting the clients.



What Research Says

Research into parent-child relationships is a diverse feld of inquiry, attracting investigators from a variety of disciplines and subdisciplines. This book integrates and synthesizes the literature by focusing on issues concerning the parent. The text is organized around four key questions:

1)What determines parental behavior?

2)What are the efects of parenting on children?

3)What makes some parents more efective than others?

4)Why do some parents mistreat their children?

George Holden adopts a dynamic rather than a static perspective on parenting. This dynamic approach refects parents’ capacity to modify their behavior as they respond to changes in their children and in their own lives. #REFERENCE LINK:,5#d=gs_qabs&t=1709299143397&u=%23p%3 DZMK0Yxs3fnQJ


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