Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Urvashi Ranjan – Fight From The Woods To Reach The Sky – Counseling Shortcuts 

Urvashi Ranjan, A boundless bird who flew years back to espy the limit of her flight. She merely had anything by her side but just a determination in her mind to make ways to her dreams and shine like the brightest stars.The thought that got stronger by every passing day which came through the obstacles in her way. Belonging to a relatively middle class family education was everything that would help her to earn a living, thereof it was then when she decided what she aspires to be. But, again it was always in her mind that either she has to be the change or the reason for a change. Expectedly she did face a lot of criticism and even got demotivated at times but the determination she had never let her go down.

“Fall, Repeat, Restart. While having a lofty vision can be sexy, the truth is, all you need to do is find that one moment which encourages you to stand up and fight. Once we have a solid system down, it is always Fall, Repeat, Restart, But you should know to get to this point, it requires an insane amount of execution. It requires blood, sweat and tears before I finally figured the system out over time.

As we say Rome wasn’t built in a day, so is well stated about Urvashi Ranjan and Pranav Sharma as a  team. Pranav Sharma who boards as NED at Counseling Shortcuts has been the support to the journey Urvashi Ranjan has covered as an entrepreneur. Whatever has been built up out of COUNSELING SHORTCUTS could not have been possible without the efforts that have made it possible. Urvashi who has been looking into governance is known for her perfection, execution and vision, always ready with the required information is what she is called upon for. Both the CEO and the NED are mirror images to each other, alike in all aspects. Pranav is one who is always ready with the data in his mind and solutions on his fingertips. Urvashi is known for her ‘perfections within imperfection’ the most easy to go with and the most versatile to rely upon not only when required to work but also when it’s a mandate to lighten the work environment she is a one stop solution to all the problems. Any project that goes well has an in depth study of the facts and figures to make it whatever it will be and to make it a wonder out of a desire the CEO who works as the strategist is always full of innovations and new ideas for a better presentation from the academic expansions through the research and development to the business intelligence.

As we often say one has to take a stand to bring a change so Urvashi always pushed herself out of her lane and has done everything in her power not to become part of the ‘herd mentality’ and has always proved her qualities and will continue to. Urvashi is a  real life example that even if you have something out of the box, with sincere effort and confidence in yourself, you will achieve it! She is on her way running a campaign in the name of COUNSELING SHORTCUTS which is just another small  initiative she has begun to give a way to her dreams. Urvashi herself states it will benefit students not only academically but also help them achieve excellent debating, communication and presentation skills. It is one initiative that will not only help the learners to get the knowledge about what is happening in all spheres around the world but also help them attain a strong communicative personality which is amongst  one of the most important qualities of a great learner nowadays. Through this initiative Urvashi plans to provide the most she can provide to an active learner and has a vast view which  can bring a really great change in the field of education. The initiatives by this team are not only business centered but importantly student centered. The ways she is planning to explore with the help of this initiative will definitely be a game – changing experience for most of the learners. As she has quoted it really beautifully – “IF YOU SEE A DIFFERENT ME THAT MEANS I SAW THE REAL YOU”

How does she do it all? The woman behind all this, Urvashi Ranjan was just another lady amongst the thousands in her neighborhood. Her lifelong struggle has brought her to be the woman that she is today. She is yet to stick to a profession since she claims herself to be a ‘work in progress’. We would all benefit a lot more if we’d start looking through the same lens as her. Urvashi speaks highly about connecting with your imagination and discovering the journey that your inner ideals have set out for you. She is a down-to-earth girl that seeks her inspiration and values from her parents. She believes it’s always better to listen to what everyone says but do what suits you right.

That is why she teaches us to tread new paths, think radical designs and be true to our real self image and not what society asks of us. An introvert who outreached her limits to outsource her experience. It has always been her continuous efforts to make ways and help learners find the exact and the most efficient solutions in their way to success.

It is shocking to do so much in such little time. We asked Urvashi what inspired her to work this way. “I believe I am a perennial learner as I learn something new everyday “. She believes in the divine light and her ‘can-do’ attitude has taken her places.

All of her zeal and personality is what she has put into starting up Counseling Shortcuts. At CS she has a team of energetic members who help and support students and their dreams. CS works with bettering their environment as one of their core visions. They help their learners make the right choices and pave the right trajectory for them. Counseling Shortcuts is an ed-tech company that provides guidance and support for students and their careers. They also help with child development and career planning. Counseling Shortcuts creates personalized learning plans to help disadvantaged students.

Over the period of time, she has built a community that translates to Inspire Global Community. This community is on the mission to help students and learners to unite under one roof. Its principal objective is to introduce LIFE-CHANGING EDUCATION experience by various emerging and technically-equipped innovative advancements in the learning environs, encouraging students and learners  to  inspire people. This community is helping aspiring students boost and meet like-minded learners. For her works as an entrepreneur to give a wider perspective of life to learners, as the founder of COUNSELING SHORTCUTS  the works that are undertaken by the venture for goodwill.

Urvashi Ranjan, a boundless bird is taking up the AIR and is getting featured with many renowned articles for her works. To learn more about Urvashi and her work at CS


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